Nueva ley de vivienda: Acceso a una vivienda digna y asequible

New housing law: Access to decent and affordable housing

In it Ana Rebeca Rodríguez Law Firm, we are pleased to inform you about the recent entry into force of the new law that seeks to guarantee access to decent housing and the enjoyment of it in affordable conditions. This law, which came into effect on May 26, 2023, establishes a series of measures to promote public policies on housing and address the housing problem in our society.

One of the main provisions of this law is the creation of public housing parks, which will be intended, as a priority, to satisfy the housing needs of disadvantaged groups. The objective is to guarantee a sufficient and adequate supply of housing for those social groups that are in vulnerable situations.

In addition, new obligations are introduced for "large holders", that is, those owners who own a significant number of homes. These owners must inform the competent Administration in municipalities where rental or housing prices are disproportionate.

The law contemplates two categories of protected housing: social housing and limited price housing. The social housing, which will be built on publicly owned land, will be mainly intended for rental and will meet the needs of the sectors of the population with greatest difficulties in accessing housing. On the other hand, limited price housing will be subject to the public protection regime. Both housing categories have specific requirements and a minimum qualification period of 30 years.

The new legislation also introduces the concept of "incentivized affordable housing", which refers to privately owned homes to which the competent Administration grants benefits, such as tax incentives, if they are used for rental at reduced prices.

Regarding the rental of housing, improvements have been made in the regulation of contracts to provide greater security to both owners and tenants. Likewise, responsibilities are established in the event of non-compliance by sellers or intermediaries in real estate operations.

In the procedures for recovering possession of housing, specific measures are established to protect occupants in situations of economic vulnerability. Conciliation and mediation are encouraged before initiating legal action, and information and housing alternatives are offered to occupants.

It is important to highlight that, given the complexity of this law and its implications, at the Ana Rebeca Rodríguez Law Firm we are available to resolve any questions you may have. Our team of legal experts will provide you with the necessary advice and help you take the appropriate actions to defend your rights in relation to this new legislation.

In summary, the new housing law aims to guarantee access to decent and affordable housing for all. At the Ana Rebeca Rodríguez Law Firm, we are committed to helping you understand the implications of this law and providing you with the legal support you need to protect your housing rights.